Saturday, July 21, 2007

cradles, hammocks, other semi-circles

one: Many people need support from other people.

two: Many people need support within themselves, and rely on this.

three:Sometimes there is a middle ground with people, because there is always a middle ground. (my resolution for losing touch with dualities.)

With ideas in place, one can then determine where one falls in. How much space and how many hands one needs to feel okay.

I am in the mood for drawing, so this will have to tell you what I am trying to say:

(art by suzanne sattler, seen tonight at cinders gallery in brooklyn)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

open (close)

She opened it, something like a fairy tale
that had a beginning and and ending and everything
in between and she said "OH, this is it. What I have been looking for.
An exact measure of what it can mean to be content
and to take a breath slowly into a paper bag."

I can see all the breath now as it enters into the bag.
It looks like
dreams from a mouth breather
or streamers
or icing melting and flowing like water might.
Thick and with a tint of color.

She felt upwords, there were antlers.
She felt down, there were bare feet covered in blood.

She looked around and red was everywhere to be seen
and she felt like she finally might know where she was.
All of the hardwood floors made sense
and she thought,
"I may never need to look around again."

But she did, and she wrote inside
the notebook
something like a beginning, ending, and everything
in between.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


The plant you brought on the J train,
what kind?
what pleasure.

A little oxygen circulated into the mouths
of all the heavy sleepers.

Where are you going?
Where have you been?
What song is in your head?
Are you dreaming of dead hands
mauling your night time dreams?

I read a story today about history, time, direction, and everything else.
It felt like I had someone following me,
but every time I turned it was only a light bulb swinging in a shadow.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Stand in yesterday's bath water.

Repeat phrase,
"Look up, it can't be that bad.

Look up."

Only there is a spider
and it rotates around a fly


Someone new
to say something to.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


the experiences of:


walking through the door he said, "hello."
his mouth a moment in movement.


I can hardly hear you.
what? hello?

waves and fog and how when I turned
the ocean seemed muffled.


if you wave your hand long enough
you might see the heat scatter,
you might see it last a little longer.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


No cars out tonight, perhaps because everyone went home to light off fireworks. Rode my bike around town and wasn't sure if this town was real at all. If every house burned down or every building demolished to build something modern, how could I know? And would I think that maybe I just lied about where I had been these last five years?